"what H said about the 10g/t is on the money in that for a complicated non bulk mining underground gold mine to be economic the typical head grade put to the mill needs to be around 10 but no where less than 6g/t historically. Whether it’s 6 or 10 depends on cost per tonne and where the gold price sits. So, on balance, my view is that H, K and T all basically said the same thing so no arguments necessary."
No not basically saying the same thing at all.
As was previously stated A1 are break even at around 4g/t head grade when they transport their ore quite a distance at current gold price, with similar geology. therefore 10g/t would not only be economic it is actually 150% higher than break even. 6g/t would be economic.
Noting this trial as probably just break even, it is a good sign as they were mining just easy accessed open faces. and if they can expect a 100% uplift from drill grades to head grade then the area like the 1.4m @ 87.8g/t Au should be extremely profitable.