Pivalde, I am not disputing anything you say in the above text. Now that we have a trial update of sorts I was just looking at the timing of the PBT434 P1 completion and the completion of the Fair Park 2 deferiprone trial, plus toxicity. Although quite different drugs the DFP trial could give Prana a look at an iron chelator result before the start of the PBT434 P2 trial. That may give Prana some advantage they have never had before. With PBT2 it was always jumping into the human clinical unknown. The euro trial for PBT2 was the first of it's class into human trials. The PBT2 Reach2HD was the first MPAC human trial in HD, and with brain imaging now available for plaques, the IMAGINE trial was the first ever imaging trial of an MPAC for Alzheimer's.So far there are 2 completed pilot studies of DFP, one 18 patients and one 40 patients. Fairpark2 calls for 338 patients divided about half on the drug and half placebo from memory. Fairpark biomarkers will include:
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), i.e. indirect measurements of iron with an R2* sequence
Transcranial ultrasound (i.e. indirect measurements of iron via the hyperechogenicity of substantia nigra)
Dopamine transporter SPECT imaging (123I-FP-CIT, DATscan®)
Biochemical biomarkers (in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)).
Pharmacogenetic markers (i.e. ceruloplasmin genotypes for the disease-modifying effect of iron chelation and COMT genotypes for the symptomatic action of DFP; Grolez et al., 2015).
That is a lot of info compared to previous trials, which was no previous human evidence.
I am just an interested outsider at this point and once again did not dis your MDIVI-1ideas which I like.