Originally posted by Taurean7
I wouldn’t jump to any quick conclusions MJ. The judge had the option of awarding costs and chose not to. The announced decision retains Ikon’s public and professional face, but how costs are to be met has been left to negotiation away from the public eye.
Have to jump in here after reading this rubbish.
Ikon won. They have no face needing saving. Put simply, they won and are entitled to have their full costs paid. Advangen(Cellmid) lost and have to pay the costs of all parties. Advangen(Cellmid) are the ones needing to save some face, and should be thanking the Judge for this generous and probably undeserved opportunity.
After an exasperating court case, which, apart from being to all obviously unnecessary, was coupled with a weak and circuitous defence and thrown out failed cross claim which was brought by Advangen(Cellmid), the judge has given Advangen(Cellmid) a second chance to do some agreeing and save some face.
If the agreements about costs fail, the matter will be relisted (the Judge said so remember ), and Ikon will simply win again , this time over the matter of costs. When you remember that Ikon was originally serious enough about this matter in Court to retain Senior Counsel, you can gauge their now mood, having been without their professional fees for years, and in additition having to pay probably hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees over and above.
IMO sanity and agreement will at last prevail at Advangen(Cellmid) and Ikon will get their full and justified costs.