Proposal to abolish refundability of Franking Credits, page-262

  1. 2,568 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8

    So Jonnoh,

    Shall we move on.

    Care to comment on the PBO report as per the above download.

    And perhaps address a few questions.

    Are you able to tell me the  approximate total of franking credits refunds that the PBO details?

    If I am right , and this is a bit over 5 billion, then would it be reasonable to assume that the savings for revenue would be 50Billion, if there were no changes in behaviour.

    So how are the savings projected by Labor going to be at that level, unless you assume that changes in behaviour are not going to effect in any material way the overall savings. And just because the PBO says so, probably shouldn't be enough, when there are actual figures for you to work with.

    And to keep it non controversial , I hope, the likely gravitation to industry funds, of SMSF 's, one example.

    If you feel the urge, you might also address some of the issues I raised about the tables in PBO report. 

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