Proposal to abolish refundability of Franking Credits, page-242

  1. 2,568 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    The taxation departments records of the refund  of franking credits in total ,a reasonable starting point. Certainly cant be higher than that.

    I think , in fact, you or Pear might have quoted them as evidence of rape and pillage of the system in the very early days of this discussion.

    Around 5 to 6 billion per year from memory, but I'm too lazy to look it up today.

    There is one factor I have not taken into account though, it may be that the PBO has projected a marked increase in the number people on 0 tax rates, although I cant find any mention of it.[but I'm not that confident of my investigative ability at the moment] .In that case they may have[and this is a fantasy number, just for the exercise] projected 10 billion per year , say from the number of SMSF 's doubling, as being the leakage from revenue.

    The difference between 5 and 10 Billion of course, is not new money to spend, just revenue you wouldn't have to find elsewhere.

      Luckily I still have overwhelming confidence in my cognitive ability, and my ability to assess data and detail when I can get it.

    Justified?  As long as they keep giving me the tablets, I should be fine.

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