Proposal to abolish refundability of Franking Credits, page-237

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    «Ms» mce-anchor«Wilkinson» : We considered a number of different ways in which individuals may adjust their behaviour. We considered that somebody who's got a very large balance may choose—so somebody who is above the transfer balance cap—to adjust their portfolio in terms of whether their assets are supporting their pension phase or their accumulation phase, so they could actually make a readjustment within their existing portfolio. We considered that some members of a self-managed super fund may choose to try and get additional members into their self-managed super fund in order to the defray some of those costs. We considered that some members of a self-managed super fund may choose to take the share part of their portfolio and move it into an APRA fund, for example. We considered all of those and also that individuals could change their asset allocation as a consequence of this policy, noting that, of course, if you're investing for the long-term, you're also going to want to have a reasonably diversified share portfolio in order to support your retirement.
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