Pleasure, as you mention I too am a long term holder. As always I am wildly guessing and this is never advice to anyone.
I have spent a lot of time and energy researching Gas2Grid, Philippines and France to challenge and always re-challenge my own investment in Gas2Grid. The more i researched the more I found about this company that gave me the confidence to stay and average down.
Directors/Gentleman: I couldn't commend these fine leaders more if i tried and i think i already have many times, These guys have believed in this company all this time sacrificing their directors fees and even putting their hard earned instead of convincing shareholders to hold the company up through the oil down turn they did it off their own backs, only to finally do capital raises after getting positive indication from the DOE that the result would be positive giving shareholders first opportunity. The share price hasn't moved because AGM states permission to add upto 350milion new shares, directors have never been shy about a potential partner for the future works, but us speculating if they would be awarded at this low a price is too soon as they have even only awarded themselves shares at .008 that is at 100% mark up of current share price.
Philippines: I have researched and found so many indications that the Philippines has been growing at rate that can not be sustained by their current oil production on forums and DOE website, the DOE have started re-educating their people to support the governments decision to promote hydrocarbon exploration and it will benefit the country and in turn their people, DOE and their people have admitted this problem has been addressed far too late, DOE in order to counteract the lack of oil produced domestically they have changed so many licensing laws to be able to fast track licenses and allow contractors to be able to move quickly and I am talking within months to be able to survey or obtain drilling licenses where this process could take years previously, some licenses have been reduced to 30 business days.
Gas2Grid have also participated in these permits that are being awarded by the DOE November 2018 onward PECP contracting round. from what i have found any contractor can nominate any area they would like to search and if approved a contract area is created and a budget set, with drone technology available now i wouldn't be surprised if their cities are being surveyed.
Directors have mentioned many times the deviation of Nuevo-Melolos could be completed and we could be producing oil within months if the solution is successful, this is usually in the quarterly also mentioning roads solid sealed thats great for all conditions, 8-10km from port and low production cost, technology is advanced solution is in place, partners back in conversations as oil market is now attractive to them again. please don't forget Melolos 1 was producing oil upto 200 barrels per day but because of sands and blockage wasn't sustained and the works to complete Neuvo-Melolos was submitted 2016 and were approved by the DOE Sept 2016 but it was too late to complete works within the existing license expiry 28/01/2017, that also gave me confidence we would get the extension. My guess is they wanted to know our solution and also have that information from us as to how to fix these problems saving other licensees the same roadblocks in the future. I am not an expert by any stretch but my guess would be 1-2 months mobilizations and perpetration, 1-3 months drilling and perfecting, 1-2 months production and testing for commercial quantity upon success able to submit for a 25year production license,
Gas2Grid website and re reading the Philippines detailed link is fantastic, it gives a detailed biography of the history and the work and oil produced during testing at service contract 44 Cebu and the confidence the directors have that it is capable of commercial production.
France: No date set for hearing yet but I'm guessing early November like last time but we know why guessing game is way off when it comes to time frame, but results is fairly swift once case is heard.
We have won before and we should win again if not, now with confidence of being treated favorable in the Philippines it wouldn't surprise me if the option to be paid what we have spent and a little extra has been brought up and we leave France all together, I am sure the directors confidently have found something in all those old documents they want to investigate further though. France are not only playing hard but they are making it a very expensive venture, it seems they are not bound to any time frames either look at how ling an appeal can take, whats to say they cant give us a new 5 year term only to let us burn it up tied up in applications to approve works.
I have more than likely digressed late night post to blame but hopefully hit a few new points to discuss?
Good luck to all shareholders and exciting times for Gas2Grid, my guesses are as good as anyone's so please take them as that only.
look forward to hearing from others