Originally posted by KainCarver
Will the current cash balance of just over $7m, combined with your current order book take
Bluechiip through to profitability?
The significant orders in hand and the cash at bank provide a platform to move to profitability
and good runway into the future."
In addition to comment above, the points below reinforce what the company has been doing and the solid outlook, highlighting the (1) increased interest in the product, (2) reduced conversion from potential customers to new customers (as the product has been validated by Labcon) and (3) opportunity for many of the 30 kits and 50 customers in talks to join their books at a much faster pace than in the past.
I agree with MD. Exciting times ahead.
Can you give us feedback from Labcon's end customer sales of Bluechiip enabled products andtraction they are getting in the market?
MD: We are seeing increased end user activity. Over the last month we have installed severalsystems into early adopter sites with key opinion leader both in the US and Europe, withpositive initial feedback from these users.
We are progressing to expand this base.Labcon is also in the process of finalising their products, including registering their ColdpointBluechiip enabled range and cryogenic boxes to enable full launch of product.
Labcon salestraining and engagement has been very positive.
I should also highlight that we are seeing an increase in OEM interest both including inpartnership with Labcon and in adjacent applications in the life science market.
You have mentioned end customer trials. Can you tell us how these can drive additional salesto those captured via your OEM strategy and the status of any significant end customer trialscurrently under way?
MD: End customer trials are very important and yes as mentioned we have commenced a numberin multiple regions. They are the basis for preparing marketing and sales collateral and we aretargeting key opinion leaders which the broader market will follow.
From these trials weanticipate the preparation of posters and papers clearly demonstrating Bluechiips coretechnology differentiation and that this will also support a broader rollout with Labcon.
As end use increases over time we anticipate the end customers will start demanding theirexisting suppliers (our target OEM’s) to adopt Bluechiip technology which will allow us to morerapidly enter adjacent markets.
We are already seeing the impacts of this in the form of additional enquiries and as we continueto roll out our technology we are working with our existing and target OEM’s to deliver thesesolutions.