Thats the comparison- Vic has total ban on any exploration yet the Libs in SA just over the border are paying us to sink our drill even if nothing comes of it. Total extremes. As a rational person, Fracking- fair enough- but any exploration in the waste land of Gippsland full of empty paddocks and struggling farmers who might need a little revenue to keep things going and all farmers are locked out if just some say no-
Thats Socialism- control if you like and of course my rationality also crosses over to faith but i dont want to get many here off side who "believe", only to say "going along" without question or proof grinds my gears and today this persists all through our western society. But thats for another form- this forum is just for the "money grabbers"
Forget aboutu Vic now, we likely wont be seeing those wells open for many years then many years after for rev. Write them off for now and maybe we get a few mil next year after appeal but ban WONT be lifted..
NOW- the BOD are concentrating on what they CAN control- the SA wells and anything else we can access.