"Next recession could rival the Great Depression, warn experts", page-33

  1. 16,815 Posts.


    You advocate spending tens of thousands of dollars buying new appliances, insualtion and solar to save a bit on power bills.

    I dont think that is a good strategy at all. Best to keep the stuff you have and fix it imo that is the frugal way to go.

    As for the AUD falling it has already fallen 30% to the USD and is going to fall further so keeping your money in cash you will lose another ten percent imo. As I have no debt I dont need to pay it down but paying down debt is a relative thing, relative to rates, time and how much you can get for your money elsewhere. If you have a loan at 4% and can get 6% with the money wouldnt you take the 6%.

    It is not always best to pay down debt as taxes come into it as well like the depreciation taxes and income tax discounts for business etc.

    At the moment the AUD is being treated like third world currency. Where is the RBA in protecting our dollar, probably taking it down imo, they always wanted it below 70c usd.

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