473 Posts.
This is starting to look quite good ~ 1 mining lease secured, with 2 important important ticks yet to be hit.
The second, any offtake agreement, will see a big lift in the share price, as the threat of more CR's have anchored this company for too long.
The third, a mining lease for Kolosori, will make those 30 cents options a reality.
Still a lot to be done but finally moving forward.
The thing that excites me most about this stock is nickel demand for electric cars has still not been factored in here at all.
The talk is still just stainless steele. Electric vehicles & demand for nickel; it's not here yet but it will come. This is the "moonshot".
Price prediction: going up.
https://unauthorised investment adv...-after-stocks-savaged-by-20pc-price-drop/amp/