I think the market is not getting the significance of this achievement.
99.97% purity achieved using typically minus 100 mesh sizing,
with 94% carbon content, which is readily available
from a range of existing graphite producers.
This means we can source lower valued G (cheaper) and turn it into a high-value product, on top of that we then can use the fines (offcuts), which are around 50% offcuts and turn them into another high-value product. When you look at the chart below what we are planning to produce, there is some serious tonnage under fines, which after today's announcement we can economically and environmentally friendly purify to an amazing 99.97%.
There are other little hints in today's announcement that should put punters on notice.
Looking at the buying action from Germany it is very clear someone is accumulating and is not waiting to long trying to get it cheaper, clearly buying up.
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