State run Swedish kindergarten bans words “he,” “she,” makes boys wear dresses, page-4

  1. 21,227 Posts.
    mmm so hen is gender neutral - well the last time that watso was in the chook pen, it was the hens that laid the eggs and raised the chicks.. the father (rooster) was nowhere to be seen.. mmm well he was probably strutting around impregnating other hens.

    not much point trying to tell the rooster that he can either be a hen, or a rooster .

    watso is trying to tell the local tomcat that he can be either a female pussy or a Tom.... the Tom just raises its tail and goes AGRHHH and then just states that he only wants pussy - not be a pussy...

    mmmm the muslim community will sure embrace the government agenda ... they probably text their brothers/sisters in the muslim world to come to sweden because the swedes are so stupid, and there is some easy money to be made - and eventually sweden will become an arab country... ok not much fun living in an all arab country - but with a bit of luck the countries next door will still have a wonderful welfare system
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