If its 10 - 1 and oppies are 2 cents exercise price, they'd be 20 cent options.
However share price will be trading around 3 cents and oppies at 2 cents.
Previous restructuring saw the register down to around 100 million shares. This wasn't much longer than 12 months ago when the company was trading as Elysium EYM.
Since then there's been systematic destruction of shareholders wealth through acquisition and CR and CR and more rubish acquisition. Management lacks direction and focus, they look for the next market hype and run with it, conglomerate gold
now vanadium
whats next ? Oh that right Baruga now lets drill that again
They burn through cash at an alarming rate and its not through exploitation expenditures.
If there's a 10 - 1 or 20 - 1 restructuring this will still drift back to around 1 cent. This company and its past ticker code EYM have burnt so many they'd have to be running out of punters to BUY this junk.
I'm happy to sit on the outer. GLTAH