if it were all that easy it would have already been done by someone else.
minable resources with established mining plants which are operating generally arent acquired by exploration juniors who cant afford to rub 2 peanuts together.
the likes of vec (holder), wfe (not a holder) are 2 that have namely been able to achieve this. but they were and are held in much greater regard given the management and money which supports them.
@Gman2 what they should do and what they will do are 2 different questions the latter I cannot answer.
however if it were me, I'd using the new acquisition as leverage for funds at the curren s/p or slightly above.
then id fasttrack drilling on the most commercially viable tenement I have access to. (be it new or old). this should be enough to prop the stock up a bit. I'd then throw a few Hail Mary drills into the remaining keep what looks solid and sell off the remaining tenements (which would now have a few cores to go with it). this would bribg cash back into vic without the need for another CR
use remaining cash an attempt to jorc the commercial deposit/s and secure offtake funding or land a deal with a neighbouring mining company to buy vic out entirely.
I'm obviously flossing over a lot of detail but that's the crux of what my message to shareholders would be over the 12-18month period.