The CSPA sessions over the course of this week has been meticulously well calculated. Driving down the closing price with absolute pin-point accuracy and efficiency.
In all 3 out of the 4 CSPAs this week: 03/09, 04/09 and today, the buy/sell orders were changed in the last second (I timed it, tells you how nerdy I am) to ensure a single share clips downwards.
16:09:45 03/09: [buy: 2,154,792] [sell: 1,625,000]
16:09:59 03/09: [buy: 1,624,999]
[sell: 1,625,000] to close -0.001 at 0.019
Guess what!? The next day (04/09) a sell order of
1,624,999 at 0.019 appeared before open.
16:09:45 04/09: [buy: 388,303] [sell: 253,169]
16:09:59 04/09: [buy: 253,168] [sell: 253,169] to close -0.001 at 0.018
Guess what again!? The next day (05/09) a sell order of 253,168 at 0.018 appeared before open.
16:09:45 06/09: [buy: 431,220] [sell: 395,072]
16:09:59 06/09: [buy: 395,071] [sell: 395,072] to close -0.001 at 0.017
Will a sell order of 395,071 appear at 0.017 before open tomorrow?
Go figure!!