According to BOD's announcement from late July, further to completing the current Phase 1 trial (which is testing for safety and tolerability
only of their proprietary wafer product), the focus will shift to testing for globally significant, specific indications including:
-chemotherapy-associated nausea and vomiting,
-Multiple Sclerosis,
-anti-inflammation treatment and anxiety
It is understood, however, that at some stage BOD's will need to narrow down on their targeted ailments and design a specific trial to optimize the commerciality of the product.
That's when a possible (FDA approved?) clinical trial on the antidepressant properties of CBD would shine: BOD could be the first in conducting specific human trials on the therapeutic of CBD for depression/anxiety:, Anxiety&term=cannabis CBD&cntry=US&state=&city=&dist=
Just a fantasy.... for now...but...positive data from such trials would translate in
eye-watering figures for the subsequent take over offers from big pharma...
Keeping in mind that the newly appointed EC, George Livery, has 700k good reasons (options granted if the Company becomes subject to a takeover or change of control transaction) to pursue that path, I don't see why
that fantasy is so unreasonable...