The Swedes are out of control, page-20

  1. 4,089 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 11
    Mogga - He sounds like a very normal citizen - the reason why I am suspicious is the very fact that the elections are just around the corner. Would 'migrant' gangs want to feed into the 'concerns' of the ordinary citizen and influence the election to go more right-wing?
    Well he is making less sense as he continues - I am listening as I type.

    Something doesn't make sense - to me at least.
    I do know Goethaborg has a substantial migrant population. Would they really want to stir more anti-migrant sentiment? Especially as some of those cars surely belong to migrants; they are living there, it's their suburb.

    One thing is for sure this wholesale acceptance of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants into Western Europe was a mistake - now they have to learn to close the borders and also make their legislation a bit tougher. To a people having witnessed the kind of punishments Islam prescribes our Western systems must seem ridiculously ineffective and namby-pamby. We shall see what we shall see - Europeans are toughening their attitudes, anyway.
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