Luckily we have the ASX - ID will have to provide us with an update by the end of the month.
Hopefully though, he keeps his word and we get it tomorrow.
Quarterly disclosure
Entity to complete Appendix 4C (Quarterly cash flow report)
B If one of the following applies, an entity must complete Appendix 4C and give it to
The entity (except an +investment entity or a +mining exploration entity or an +oil and gas exploration entity) was admitted under listing rule 3.2(b).
The entity was required to comply with listing rule 1.3.2(b) because of the application of listing rule 1.3.
Introduced 31/03/00 Deleted 30/09/01
The entity must give ASX the completed Appendix 4C immediately the information is available, and in any event within 1 month after the end of each quarter of its financial year.If rule 4.7B(a) or rule 4.7B(b) apply, the entity must do so for the first eight quarters after admission or compliance with listing rule 11.1.3, or longer period set by ASX. If rule 4.7B(d) applies, the entity must do so for the period set by ASX.