Dear Nameuser,
As you appear to be referring to me with "people can expose themselves to potential litigation",
I would be glad to be litigated, anyone please, file your cases to a court or police.
"Trying to escape responsibilities" refers to HK listing proof represented strategy to appeal to
administrative court and Supreme administrative court (SAC), which is naturally legal,
but not always morally or ethically responsible.
As shown this strategy is no longer necessarily working because permit(leave) to appeal is needed
for SAC.
What comes to real legal problems Dragon has those with the permits of
Vammala, Orivesi, and Kaapelinkulma as indicated in HK application proof from page 238
(91/100 next pdf-link) and links in the first post of this thread.
The criminal investigation against Dragon about cutting 5 hectars of trees is going to prosecutor
based on Valkeakoski local news (punishments analyzed also in the HK litigation part from page 238). There is also an interesting court case with a contractator on HK page 215 (68/100 pdf-link above).