but not when you do it hey, only when someone else does, now once again can we get back on topic and discuss this terrible thing that some are trying to do, lets try to discuss in an orderly fashion what our thoughts are regarding the upcoming demolition of GPP, firstly we have an incompetent management and then in the other corner there may or may not be a contender, as the contender is no where to be seen and is in no mood to discuss what is happening nor where they are up to as far as the serving of the 249D, or the little hugs they do give out when challenged, once again Gerry knows . what is happening so it is no secret that cant be told to shareholders, they dont have to give out any secrets but I think they do owe it to shareholders to be kept informed, nothing wrong with communicating with those this will affect the most, wouldnt you agree, now you have deflected my questions on several occasions so I will ask again, what do you see happening to the SP and the company once this 249D is served, what do see as a way to fix the problems that exist now, do you believe they should continue drilling in Morabisi or not, if not where to from there, should the lithium be put on the back burner and the OHD restarted, or off to the cobalt fields, I am interested in your thoughts and what you feel needs to be done to fix this terrible mess GPP is in, or you could discuss my grammar, back to you