PS quite a few cross posts came in while typing so apologies for any redundancies
Data provided:
With grid conversion (yellow highlights) to give relatively accurate plotting on Google earth:
Zooming in for more detail at Cerro Colorado and LB/San Simon respectively:
Most of the drilling apart from Cerro Colorado was in relatively close proximity to AZS work including some of the previous deeper holes such as DD6A (Total Depth 539m with some Cu:
[The suffix xxxA for AZS drill holes was part of previous research by me - ignore.]
Assay results from Teck's drilling do not appear good on first glance to folks not privy to all the data. Other information gathered would include lithologies, alteration, veining among other things which may give vectors to fairly deep mineralisation (>200m). That Teck are willing to go to phase 2 and a second year probably means the results are not total dusters to them.
Apart from an interesting Cu intersection in hole 17-1A, hole 17-6 has 40.5m of patchy Cu grade which may be worth following up.
Cerro Colorado Hole 17-5 has consistent low grade Cu for nearly 150m. Not economic but from an exploration perspective it is 300m away from current or ?previous drilling and may be considered anomalous.
IP at Puerto del Oro to LB is related to strong disseminated pyrite and makes definition of economic mineralisation reliant on deep drilling to pick up possible vectors.
Alacran potential?
Further MDP/LB style?
MDP west of the boundary - Grupo negotiations?
MDP came as a surprise which AZS probably followed up with rock chipping but no drilling apart from LB so Mesa de Toxxic and similar ridge cappings to the east perhaps. Teck do not seem interested in this style.
Porphyry at Cerro Alacran with some possibility of MDP style around this (currently) lowish grade deposit. The lack of drilling at Cerro Alacran is a little bit puzzling given how readily AZS and Teck have been to sink holes to 600m elsewhere. Perhaps the fresh sulphide portion is already known to be low grade?
Not much work reported from the eastern side of the tenements.
A lot of exploration could be done...Whether AZS do it
If Teck walks AZS will hopefully have their hands full getting MDP and LB up and running with some exploration ticking away in the background.
What would get Teck to stay? Copper discovery suitable for their portfolio is an obvious one. Recover their expenditures by mining MDP/LB? - unlikely for a company of their size if they have to front up 50-65% of costs.
One announcement down. Two to go on assays.
Opasura drilling next assay batch? Of the remaining holes I'm quite interested to see holes 130 and 131 in particular which may extend near surface mineralisation some 50m to the east. This could be significant for any open pit operation.
Sara Alicia assays - IMO results could go either way (good or dud) based on previous drill fans and a potentially complex skarn style of mineralisation.
Distribution even or poor make up your own mind. Cobalt is present in both holes on this section but an order of magnitude higher grade in hole 3 (apparently) some 10m away; Gold shows better correlation.
The geophysics used thus far measures magnetite and perhaps pyrrhotite so at this stage can't be used as a direct proxy for economic Co/Au.
Don't have long to wait - before Xmas for sure.