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Originally posted by copperroad
Ear clearly have got enough resource after this $5m program across 7 deposits and targets already.
I am convinced that EAR will be up and running this year and spitting out over $50m- $60m pa. You can see they have enough resource for over 12 years at 100,000 pa now, so the drilling will either bring more ounces forward or simply drive out the mine life. I think the company would simply like to increase the ounces pa to over 100,000 because the infrastructure costs the same for 100k pa as it does for 200k. I think the discoveries and added resource will mean that stage 2 will increase the production pa out to 200k pa and the fat revenues will pay for ongoing drilling across their vast ground holdings. Dyor.
Since the money required is relatively low and the ramp up time quick it would be good if a bank could pick up the financing and minimise dilution even if requires some hedging.