I don't think retention licences apply to MSR at all in TZ... Additionally the market has valued TZ at zero and is still valuing it at zero.
The recent rise and buying interest is due to the market waking up to the fact that we have 9.7m in cash, and are on the hunt making acquisitions.
The Ivory Coast aquisition was a pleasant surprise as I see it as the #1 destination for gold exploration in Africa atm, even Mark Bristow from Randgold would agree.
This is absolutely huge in terms of future news flow and i'm looking forward to exploration commencing.
Any news on Tanzania that's positive would only increase the shareprice by many multiples given the VGP has ~1.2moz in historical resource - Negative news would have little to no impact whatsoever as we've already seen MSR valued at below cash.
I don't think we're going to need much luck from here but good luck to you! I can't find a better place than MSR to have my money in now.