Lithium Engineering, page-3

  1. 7,719 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 161
    Andy - as a Chemist you might be stuck in the lab I'm afraid, until you get through initial training, then once you have the "lab tech" side of things nailed they will move you up the ladder. They will need a Chemist in the team you would think. A grasp of Spanish may be a greater advantage than anything else IMO, and a demonstrated interest in living in a high altitude desert environment. Staff turnover is the problem out there. Would be a great opp to learn spanish and the technical spanish language as well. You can move up to the maximum level of your (in)competence (;-)) after that. Don't sit back and do more study - get out there IMO.

    I was a graduate chemist a long time ago - but I doubt things have changed so much.
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