G'day johntie. The Agate Creek area is a very large area which includes many aboriginal "sacred" sites, art work and artifacts that are depicted in that photo galley and treasured by the Ewamian People.
But, I am told that the proposed mine will not in any way interfere with any of them!!!!!
The Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation also brings out a newsletter intermittently and every Laneway shareholder is welcome to subscribe for the newsletter by simply completing the application on their web site
Why don't we all do that to indicate our support as from my discussions with them I have found them to be delightful and friendly and would appreciate us doing that? Takes you 2 minutes!!!
Negotiations for the agreement are still with their representative on the Land Council and is progressing.
I didn't push too hard for details but at least we know that it is definitely on the move. Absolutely no idea re the timing.