Well I personally know that seeing Ash Hood is also a pastoralist and grew up on the land that he's dead set against fracking, its already been an environmental nightmare in Qld and I use the US as an example because that's where the main body of evidence of all the disastrous repercussions stems from as its been in place for many years over there.
Fortunately very few thinking people in this country are pro fracking unlike your goodself its been banned in Victoria and is now mostly banned here and or has a moratorium in place on it and it should most definitely remain that way.
It's the last dying gasp and arguably the most hideous thing yet created by the profit at all costs petroleum industry.
If fracking is so clean and safe why do they hide behind oh its intellectual property and refusing to reveal the disgusting chemical compound makes up what is in fracking fluid?
Even the repressive regime in Saudi Arabia has seen the light and realise they need to rapidly transform their economy from an oil based one to a modern commercial economy and open themselves up to and gain acceptance from the western world as seen by the sudden radical change in allowing women to drive etc.
Now if they can realise that renewable and clean energy is the way to go why can't we?
Instead we have a prime minister whose lack of leadership has made me ashamed to be an Australian.
I've never been more ashamed in my life than when he turned his back recently on the incentives for solar, clean and renewable energy and a government that puts the Adani coal mine before the current and future viability of the Great Barrier Reef which if we care for and preserve will provide immense revenue long after the Adani coal mine has gone the way of the dodo.
This country still has an opportunity to lead the way in solar energy, clean and renewable energy despite frittering away countless opportunities already to do so but unfortunately we have a group of politicians with no forward vision whatsoever or the political integrity and will required to say this is what we're doing and then stay the course.
We have a car industry that has just recently collapsed yet we are about to become one of the world's major lithium suppliers why not put those skilled people before they're lost to the industry back to work creating a massive electric car industry all it takes is the willingness, the vision and the financial incentives to create a new long lasting industry.
What happens when down the track Australia raw resources finally and inevitably run out, do we just become a third world backwater???
Anyway this is off topic and I have had my say, you're entitled to your opinion Loutcrop as absurd as it is in my opinion.