Cyclone and flooding in Haiti, no news and we Churn a staggering 22mil Shares, Wait until we Complete due diligence on a low cost plant and 30km down the road start drilling into what I like to call the Hillary Gold Honey pot. The beauty about Haiti is all past 7500m of proven Drilling returned strong gold grades from near surface,
Last Published:6/26/2017
It has been reported that Haiti’s territory may contain significant deposits of silver, copper, and gold that could be worth billions. Nevertheless, the Haitian mining sector is dormant and has remained underdeveloped for many years. Recently, the GOH designated the development of mining resources as one of the priority sectors that has the potential to contribute to Haiti’s economic development. To revitalize the sector, the GOH, with the assistance from the World Bank’s Extractive Industries Technical Advisory Facility,
Who is Haiti’s New Prime Minister Nominee, Dr. Jack Guy Lafontant?
The party’s platform calls for “a new, more pragmatic society in terms of investment, wealth creation, and national heritage protection, with a more entrepreneurial, progressive private business sector engaged in a dynamic partnership with the public sector to fight corruption, promote economic growth and regionalization, social justice, and the fight against poverty, a society imbued with feelings of equity, solidarity and ownership-belonging to the country.”