Nice way to put it Sharks. Bev has been abusing the amigos for a year....without providing one iota of AKK fact.
1.2c Sell to .004. and now another big consol + CR coming (what's that - number 4?)
There's a FACT for ya Bev. and guess what. Facts are also not libel.
The amigos continue to provide the reality of this business and operations.
In fact, if there was a fine for cheerleading and misleading nonsense on this listed stock over last year, there should be quite a few $$$ handed back to the newbies sucked into the stock at top of hype.
Fortunately most of those types have moved on, or been moved on by the mods.
I have been quite satisfied by the number of thank yous we have gotten by once AKK bulls that finally saw the business for what it is, and sold.
The reason I still have a sell, even at .004c, is the stock going by history after consols, has about a 90% + chance of dropping further.
and I still fail to see were the claimed "continuous drilling" will be funded from. Add up how much $ has been raised last 12 months alone, and take a look at the returns next quarterly.
*should be getting a big % growth headline from $4000 last Q