Wyckoff trading method, page-1145

  1. 4,947 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 70
    Well now you are speaking my language - have noticed of late that the chartist's stall when the FA is unknown-
    CDV is a cracker- great example of why you can't just trade the trade-imo-

    Equally i do try to test my ta skills on charts where I don't have any clue of FA - so my own analysis can't be clouded by what I know- it all adds to the fun of testing skill's- and I do sincerely believe that we are best when we join forces-
    however for my own lessons- only look at charts (no cheating) LOL

    Hence i am seeing a lot of FA guys that do great research seeking the dark art-

    Nothing has interested me more than getting my head around this- it is the ultimate chess game- and I am secretly more challenged and interested in this for the simple reason that it is a puzzle with answers -
    A great game more fun than any poker game- all us gamblers in the end should in fact rise to this skill- which I put at the top of the heap- no joke intended-
    Compounded by the knowledge of FA( it is like peeking at the answer sheet in exams)
    FA is always interesting and has also many skills beyond is it exciting- profitable ( accountants ) good management blah blah--
    those things are all relevant-And can be measured - equally as Ta can be measured as you highlighted above- Fa guys go in first- then we play cards- and then we have data that shows what the big boys are doing also in the mix imo

    When we are trading a bad market we may need every skill in sync to enable us battlers to make a dollar-
    That means not sticking to things that we feel safe with - just going wherever there is a bit of volume and spread-and have all the tools at hand--- interesting theory- we might have to use it one fine day soon-
    Again thanks and really - I will give you a big brick in the back of the head- being a female and a complete stalker just letting you know that you are being stalked massively

    Your apprentices include folk from the DT- STT forums - bet you never realized- of course there would be others that lurk/stalk and don't show themselves
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