Migrants to Europe, page-14

  1. 14,067 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    The plain simple fact is that there are too many people who want what they believe is the easy life for the Western world to accommodate them

    I saw some data on immigration to the USA and it represents about 2% of those who want to go there, so you don't have to have a great brain to work out that if the other 98% went there, the USA would be the same as Bangladesh or Somalia and everyone would want to move out.

    If the authorities do not fix this problem we will all have to put up fences on our borders with AK47s with orders to shoot anyone who tries to cross the border

    Hungary has started to build a fence

    It is obvious that all these people have to be kept in their own countries which also makes it obvious that the western world has to make those countries attractive for the people to stay there

    Of course that is presuming that our politicians have the guts to do what they take their money for, and that is mange the problems

    Going on the standard of the world politicians, who are an incompetent bunch of self absorbed wankers it will not happen too soon
    Last edited by kingpins: 05/08/15
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