Cancer diagnosis, page-10

  1. 28,822 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    I don't think so. My mother lived for forty years with the promise of the cure for MS "just around the corner". Pure BS, wasn't it? Oh yes, I know, the cure for MS is just around the corner ......

    Do you remember the interferon debacle? Plenty of docos at the time on how it worked, how cancer was a thing of the past, even touting it as a cure for MS too! The wonder drug. But, as has always happened, it's now just become another has-been, having some uses apparently but not the global panacea. Like so many other drugs in the past and since.

    I had to do research on the mortality rates for meningioma, a type of brain tumour. Guess what? The mortality rates haven't changed since the sixties, despite all the "improvements" in treatment, whether it is surgery or radiation. The 5 and 20 year rates have not changed! Weird, eh? So now you are wrong on two counts with your sweeping statement that "All areas of science including medicine are advancing at a rapid rate ...."
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