As far as the SAWP meeting is concerned Nigel won't cut it and I think he knows that.
As far as strength goes TIS won't be much stronger UNLESS a clean sweep is performed for both board and
senior management. The departure of Mr. Clarke and Dr. Mercer is of course welcome but it is only a
temporary market calming motion. The clean sweep may take some time and may well be not attainable
due to the undue influence QUT is able to exercise.
Now to the most pressing issue that TIS faces:
Who is going to head the team attending the SAWP (Scientific Advisory Working Party) meetings in May?
I strongly advise the chairman NOT TO SEND any senior TIS management personnel that is employed
in a R&D capacity or Scientific Advisory role - that's in plain English: No Dr. Shooter or Prof. Upton or
anyone else from QUT. It would be foolish to assume that the recent scandal involving QUT and Prof. Upton
and resulting in the repayment of a research grant is not known at EMA (it has been a long time in the making ; see also
Instead, the two Scientific Advisories who have been taken off the company announcements after the AR in
2011, either Prof. Baxter from the Sydney Medical School or Prof. Harding from the Cardiff School of
Medicine, be approached and asked to help out. I am sure that, if they are asked in a nice enough way, one
of them may just agree to take it on. And the time to ask is now and not in 2 or 3 weeks time.