The most anticipated annual report of the year AND......
" The Company has reviewed a wide range of potential new opportunities and the process remains ongoing.
During the reporting period significant effort was focussed on this review process. Global remains well
capitalised which provides a position of strength compared to many of its peers and the Board is ready to
commit a significant portion of this capital to a suitable new opportunity or opportunities, but only if the
Company believes such are likely to enhance shareholder value significantly. "
Yes they are looking for opportunities and mindful of spending cash but wait for it......
During the period the company paid US$39,001 (2013: US$39,940) to TM Services Limited, a company
controlled by Mr P Taylor and Mr P Blakey, for office usage, administrative and technical assistance in
London, and US$14,611 (2013: US$15,818) to Law Strategies, a company controlled by Mr P Dighton. The
company also paid Law Strategies US$20,112 (2013: US$1,412) for the provision of legal services and
US$20,820 (2013: US$20,714) to Law Projects, a company controlled by Mr D Cronin, for company
secretarial and other services. Consultancy fees were also paid to Mr P Taylor and Mr P Blakey, US$13,625
each (2013: US$14,123 each). The Company also paid Northlands Advisory Services Limited, a company
related to Mr J van der Welle, US$27,811 (2013:Nil) for consultancy fees.
On Top of.....
Short-term employee benefits $336,776
Equity based payments$ 67,775
An amount of US$312,592 (31 Dec 2013: US$401,787) was spent on business development which relates to
the Group’s activities in assessing opportunities in the oil and gas sector.
To Summarise the last couple of years....
Salaries and employee benefits expense (382,926) (493,125)
Administrative expenses (555,949) (654,031)
Business development expenses (312,592) (401,787)
And on exploration they spent a grand total of.....
Exploration expenditure expensed (179,434) -
are they an exploration company????
And we end with.....
Foreign exchange gain (loss) (521,633)