Firstly they lack focus and all thie diverse business 'activity' is a sign the Magnesium side has a poor outlook.
Secondly there is an ASTONISHINGLY bad disclosure about the goings on with all these Chinese ventures.
This does not appear to be a 'cooperation agreement' to me. They will have control of the majority of board seats, they have exposure to profit, loss, costs .......and what they neglect to mention is...... DEBTS!!!
This is an acquisition from what I can see and they are NOT DISCLOSING the terms of this acquisition to shareholders and what our exposure is.
ASIC ought to put this in a trading halt until all of this is cleared up... promises of placements at prices that never eventuate, acquisitions tha never eventuate, business plans that change constantly, shift of focus to what? a financial services company, metals trader, who knows what, acquisitions made with few facts as to whether the board are making a good decision.
For all we know this is a massive lemon and highly leveraged assets are being piled into CMC for some end game.
This is yet another massive red flag to me that this is going to end very badly for Australian Shareholders who are being kept in the dark about key metric specifics of the CMC's business and subsidiaries.
This is listed on the ASX after all, Chinese disclosure rules dont apply.