comm Tax Loss on IO

  1. 7,501 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 165
    cIf IO prices stay put and our producers produce sell the same amount of IO
    to that of last year with similar costs then the Comm Government will receive
    about $1.4 billion less tax this year than that of last year.

    Joe Hockey is blaming this for his $50 billion budget deficit but it is chicken feed
    if we consider that we are paying over $12 billion interest a year on our debt and
    if we include State and Municipal debt, then the interest bill jumps to over $19 billion p/a.

    Out Defence budget has jumped from $16 billion a year in 2003 to a current $26 billion
    with an add-on of $12.5 billion for the casualties of war, our Vets, in the form of Department
    of Vet. Affairs. (Total $39 Billion)

    Perhaps Mr Hockey should have a hard Captain Cook at what tax our multinationals are
    paying rather than decrying to drop in IO prices.

    For example the following companies use the Double Irish or the Dutch/ Luxenburg Sandwich tax
    minimisation/evasion strategies:

    These companies are:
    Abbott Laboratories, Adobe Systems, Apple, Eli-Lilly, Facebook, Forest Laboritories,
    General Electric, Google, E-Bay, Johnson&Johnson, Microsoft, Oracle Corp,
    Pfizer, Starbucks & Yahoo.(to name some)

    So when you sit in Starbucks on Facebook via your I-Pad, then Google E-Bay for a bargain
    and then use a Johnson&Johnson product in the toilet afterwards, you will have inadvertently
    contributed to 6 separate multinational companies that avoids paying Australian Tax
    by using the above tax shelters; all while having a quick coffee.

    The G20 is addressing these issues via the OECD proposals re financial transparency
    and transfer pricing regulations coming into effect 2017-18.

    In the interim, if you are concerned, just do the patriotic thing and shun these tax dodgers.

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