Use of AntiPsychotics in children, page-5

  1. 6,351 Posts.
    WA had a rise and fall in ADHD diagnosis and the subsequent prescribing of Ritalin etc.

    From the article:

    The 2011 Annual Report (the eighth annual report) was released on 17 October 2012. The report confirmed between 2004 (the first year for which figures are available) and 2010 per-capita ADHD child prescribing rates fell from 2.25 % to 1.3%.3 Federal Government figures4 indicate the number of children on ADHD medications in WA peaked in 2002 at 2.6%, indicating a 50% fall from the peak. Over a similar timeframe (2002 to 2008) amphetamine abuse rates by West Australian teenagers fell approximately 51% supporting the contention that if you stop giving teenagers amphetamines they stop abusing them.5
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