I have steadily increased my holdings in SMD over the last month.I think that most people are unaware that SMD has over 3700 sq kms of leases in the Mt Isa area making it onne of the largest if not the largest holding of any junior in the area.It also has the distinct advantage of sitting on 2 significant regional faults: The Barbara Fault and the main Mt remarkable fault,outcropping gossans are scattered throughout the tenements.Whilst the current drill program will focus on the Barbara North,Greenback,Blue star and Trey Bit prospects I believe further substantials finds are likely further to the northwest at Bloodwood and Ironbark prospects.
I came across the information shown below recently which further surprised me as it turns out that SMD has some of the best average grades in the Mt Isa area.
In conclusion SMD is one of 3 companies I hold in the Cloncurry/Mt Isa area and over the next week I'll be posting further maps,thoughts and observations of mine.To my way of thinking SMD is one of the best junior explorers in the Mt Isa area if not Australia.