"Perth prospector Robert Gardner has launched legal action against West African-focused gold miner Adamus Resources.
Adamus said yesterday it had been served with a writ filed by Mr Gardner's Hightime Investments Pty Ltd relating to its Southern Ashanti project in Ghana.
"The writ relates to an alleged arrangement entered into in April or May 2003 under which Hightime asserts that it allowed the company to apply for, and obtain, an exploration licence over ground near the Southern Ashanti geological belt in Ghana," Adamus chief executive Mark Connelly said in a statement.
"The company believes that Hightime's claim has no merit and it will be vigorously defended."
Mr Gardner has previously made headlines for his legal battle with entrepreneur Stuart Bromley over a Chinese business deal.
He is also a one-time business associate of former Adamus managing director Mark Bojanjac, who stepped down in September last year.
The move comes as Adamus prepares to host a delegation of Australia's parliamentary joint committee on foreign affairs, defence and trade next month."