Joining up the (industry consolidation) dots...
"ROYAL Dutch/Shell has entered the bidding for a strategic stake in the Santos-led Gladstone Liquefied Natural Gas project.
The deal could be a precursor to a larger industry consolidation."
"While the talks are still in a preliminary stage, a deal could see merger of GLNG and the Arrow Energys CSG -to-LNG project, which Shell acquired in March for $3.5 billion through a joint venture with PetroChina. "
"Among Mosaic's assets is the large underground storage facility the old Silver Springs Gasfield capable of holding around 90 billion cubic feet.
There is a presence at Wallumbilla, near Roma, the hub for Queensland gas from western Queensland to Brisbane and Gladstone and for the hub for other Queensland gas to Brisbane and Gladstone.
At Wallumbilla, Mosaic has a 50 per cent share in a LPG plant with Santos and the replacement value of the LPG plant would be in excess of $80 million."
"However, the fat lady might not have finished singing as there could well be a chorus comprising Shell/Arrow and Santos.'