After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations, page-104

  1. 4,936 Posts.
    As I mentioned earlier a poll is just that, a poll.And we know how unreliable they can be.Add to that, polls are often paid for by people with agendas.

    "Putin regime as "the power of bureaucratic oligarchy" which had "the traits of extreme right-wing dictatorship"
    That is one possible description. Another might be that he is a patriot that stopped the pack rape of Russia by the Yeltsin era oligarchs. That he is demonized by Washington means he is doing good.

    Second link....Teen Vogue?? Really?

    I looked at the other links, but, come one would give a toss if Putin were in the pocket of the ruling US regime.No one cares what US allies/client states do. A better question is what has Putin done that the US hasn't? That may show a more accurate moral hierarchy .

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