Theresa May’s Brexit plan rejected by 149 votes, page-15

  1. 4,537 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    I don't care two hoots about whether UK Brexits or Remains. I just hope ordinary Brits can go about their lives without too much disruption and feed the family after it happens.

    What does concern me though is the internal divisions Brexit has sparked. The UK has been revealed to be a bunch of competing demographics, social classes and regions that appear to loathe each other, who were living in a reluctant state of ceasefire. Thanks to Brexit the ceasefire is now over, and each is attacking the other and pushing their own agenda to divide the country.

    Their self-centred political class is revolting - lacking concern for others, competence, intelligence, scruples, basic morality and any sort of strategic sense. The UK has gone past being a laughing stock. It's now that sad old drunk relative, who you used to look up to, passed out drunk and crapping its dacks on the dancefloor at a family gathering while everyone looks on in horror.
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