I have been invested with this company for about nine years and overall am doing very well from it.
Has it under performed over the last 12 months? Absolutely Have people made completely outlandish claims about this company and in respect to where the share price should be at right now? You bet, because we are still in part speculative until we get Sal de Vida up and running and making a profit. Could management have done some things better? Possibly Does Galaxy have a lot left in the tank and offer a huge amount of potential looking forward? Very much so but with investing nothing is 100% guaranteed. Is this Forum for people to offer different opinions and contribute to discussion in a healthy way? It should be.
So what we would like to know, is what interest do you really have in this company and why are most of your posts totally antagonistic, not just towards Galaxy but the other companies you post on? Is there really that much satisfaction for you in being a troll? By all means contribute, challenge and discuss but if you don't offer anything positive, there is zero point to it all.