Lithium stocks that will make it?, page-509

  1. 7,067 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 541
    I also like GLN because of the high Li grade and that they may be looking at a decent size resource ,negatives for me is the location and the fact they most likely would only process Lithium.
    If I was ever to invest in a country I do not like it would be because I like GLN.
    I normally only invest in Australia USA and Canada.
    ASN is clearly the outstanding brine stock on the ASX at the moment for me ,with a brine in the USA that has high to the highest grades of B Br I Mg and Li so far at 142ppm ,to be updated after the next two drill holes not far from historically high Li grades of 500ppm and 1700ppm.
    So far it has been proven that I Br and Li can be extracted from the brine with plant design now advancing.
    I do not know of any other company in the world that is producing so many minerals from the same brine resource let alone from a brine that contains some minerals on top of the Lithium that is at or the highest grades in the world.
    So if ASN achieves its goal to process some or all of the additional minerals on top of the Lithium ,the company will end up being far ahead of most other companies in the world.
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