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conceptual modelling should be banned imo, page-23

  1. 23,992 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Don't want to rubbish your theories Macrae - but you could also say that the JORC reporting should be changed to reflect more accurately what companies know they have.

    Most of the time, the companies know damned well what they have got in the ground, but because of JORC code, can't report it to market to say "We know we're sitting on x million tonnes of Y"

    CDU has been there - CVI has the same - with their copper at CdeB - ann on Dec 6th had to be changed because the early drilling wasn't JORC compliant -
    TLM know what they've got - just waiting for JORC....
    but these companies all KNOW they have a massive amount of Fe, Cu or whatever in the ground, tghey just can't tell the market properly at the moment - so it works both ways.

    Conceptual modelling can and often does produce a very accurate picture of what a company has, and providing no moral limits are crossed, I see no problem with it.

    IF it's used for the wrong reasons (placement price, dorector selling) then sure, bring in ASIC and throw the book at them, but if it's dopne in a correct and proper manner - I see no problem.

    You obviously missed the trade!! lol....
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