"Trump is The Greatest", page-61

  1. 19,609 Posts.
    lol, You reasonings read like a teenager regurgitating what their parents heard off CNN full of generalisations.

    Btw, do a little research about the success of walls before just relying on what you heard "morning Joe" Or Brian Stelter.  You can just look at some recent history and look up how Israel has reduced its illegal immigration by 99% because of a wall and Hungary have had a huge success with their walls..  AND there are a heap of other countries building walls as I type.

    Oh, also, you want to play a game with me?  We will play the "fake news game"  .  This is how we play.  You post all the stories that the mainstream media reported that were wrong but favoured or positive towards Trump.  And I will post examples of all the mainstream media stories that were negative but were proven false.

    ARe you up for the game????
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