Noticed a nice little promotion with Cricket Victoria ( - all local clubs when they sign up to their "Gage Club Program" receive 2 free slabs, abit of promotional gear (bar runner, single fin poster etc.) and then discounted slabs for club events.
Again, a fantastic idea to penertrate the east coast.
Noticed Gage also sponsering trivia nights and events at bars and pubs here in Melbourne - although they still need to release more of those "crafty IIPAs ane IPAs" to really make a splash in the Melbourne craft scene.
A big sponsership of the Beer InCider festival here too - likely to be 20,000+ festival goers.
Also, on a side note, Ive noticed alot of advertising in Qld (via their social media) on public transport, at venues etc.
The next numbers should be strong - ASX interest will come. Buying under 0.10c.