Proposal to abolish refundability of Franking Credits, page-420

  1. 12,031 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 31
    Do you want a picture of me as well? Lots of oldies pay tax. To be frank, I don't think it wrong that I pay tax. That's due to the fact that my ongoing healthy disregard for governments to stop fiddling with superannuation meant I keep the majority of my funds in my own name. Hence I pay tax. And medicare levy. And private health insurance. I have paid for a lifetime of bandages and continue to do so. I don't resent paying reasonable taxation. I do resent the fact that governments can't lie straight in bed and it is they who overspent the budget. Principal and principle are two different things. You have outed yourself in your post as a "youngie" who is a little spelling challenged, huh? lol Sorry, don't wish to offend. I quite like youngies (ex-teacher here). Economics was my subject.
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