13 Dec: “Success from drilling wells in this new acreage will be company changing, with further details to be advised to shareholders on completion of initial technical studies in February 2019.
A range of funding options for this program are also being considered including introducing JV partners.”
I hate to say this because I regret not picking up the entire lot of 5m options at .003 last Mon/Tue, but it has the smell of another play last year (whose options catapulted from 1.3c to 26c a clean 20 baggers in a space of 3 months) if the next few E2e announcements will continue to keep the market in suspense for a few more weeks until an expected home run for a funding & JV. The stark similarity is to do with the very tiny $4m mcap last week and the mention of a ‘big’ or company changing development in the weeks ahead. When a company like E2e is already earning some money, it’s news for big ticket items it’s trying to do that can deliver baggers. All remain to be seen. With $8m mcap, already producing, and with attractive drilling prospects, it looks like E2e is a good hold. $30-50m mcap might be possible in 2019.