Your WB video tells us only two things Facty, one, the global financial system is corrupt, ..SHOCK..HORROR..! Who ever would have guessed that..? And second, that we're all just fools because we don't all rush out immediately and buy Gold, because, as 'the-chief-conspirator-in-chief' in that 'conspiratorial' little video keeps reminding us, it will be "the only thing that saves us all" from 'rooooone' when Armageddon comes. I'll let you in on a little secret now, Facty, ..YOU CAN'T EAT GOLD..!
Now I've also noticed that you occasionally like to mention "Ponzi Schemes" when referring to the ASX, well IMHO you can't possibly get a better example of a Ponzi Scheme ie, (A form of fraud in which belief in the success of a 'non-existent-enterprise' is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors) than just a useless pile of Gold, or Silver, or Diamonds, or even Old-Postage-Stamps, or for that matter, any, other 'useless inanimate object' sitting in a dark dank and musty bank vault that you'd care to name, and which can have 'some arbitrary value' ascribed to it, because of it's supposed rarity, and therefore desirability, to a bunch of fools who seriously have more money, than brains, and who all, after laying down their own particular fat wads of filthy-lucre upon whatever particular pile of 'useless inanimate objects' happens to take their fancy, then all start rapidly and very fervently praying that they will actually be able to find an even bigger fool, than themselves, who will be willing to pay even more than they just did, to again buy their now, own, completely 'useless inanimate object' of choice.
A bit reminiscent of a pyramid selling scam. It all goes along swimmingly until you run out of fresh-meat-fools.
Personally, Facty, I think I'll just stick with owning my shares in Galaxy, which, I know is actively helping every single day to build a cleaner and better world, and, which also, allows me to sleep very well at night.